report 報告


Each year, the level of the participants has increased, and their ages have become more diverse, from juniors to masters. And I believe that the reason we were able to hit the best conditions this time is because of the steady preparations we have been making for the past 10+ years. Like the previous qualifying round, the our venue did not use generators, and all electricity was provided by electric vehicles, ensuring environmentally friendly operation.

The overseas athletes were especially inspired by this majestic ocean. We are sure that next year will be even more exciting, as even more international athletes are expected to come to O2Y. We would like to express our deepest respect to the ocean paddlers "KANAKA, the brave warriors who cross islands," who train themselves on a daily basis, and we would like to thank deeply to many volunteer staff, as well as the sponsors and cooperation and all the other people involved for their efforts to make this great event happened. We look forward to meeting new warriors at next season's O2Y Winter ('25 Domestic paddler selection race). keep paddling.

results 結果


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News Papers

世界で最もメジャーなWEB雑誌「TOTAL SUP」でフューチャーされました。

O2Y沖縄-与論 海峡縦断レース2024

Okinawa 2 Yoron 30km island crossing down-wind race2024

:開 催 意 義:
島嶼県沖縄、そして南西諸島の島々をSUP、人力で渡り人と人、島と島、過去の 歴史と未来を繋ぎ人々に夢と希望を与える。SUPスポーツの普及を通して青少年育成と自然環境保護に寄与する

名 称:「KANAKA OKINAWA O2Y 2024」 内 容:SUP(スタンドアップパドルボード)による30km海峡横断レース
日 時:2024年6月28日~6月30日のいずれか、気象の良いタイミング
場 所:沖縄県国頭郡国頭村~鹿児島県大島郡与論町
主 催:カナカ沖縄O2Y実行委員会

主 管:荒木珠里後援会 与論懇親会
後 援:沖縄県、与論町、国頭村、与論町教育委員会

協 力:MAZDA、NESPRESSO、国頭漁業協同組合、与論町漁業協同組合、星航丸、星花丸、やめい丸、緑風丸、第三寿々丸、さつき丸、児晢丸2、かふう丸、M96、(社)Japan Water Patrol、Gushiken Kazuhiko Photography、野口石油与論SS、与論民族村、ヨロンスカイサービス、かりゆしライブハウス、島有泉、TANDYマリン、ビーチランドロッジ、マリナデルレイ、与論島スーパートップ、有限会社ミュージアムJetクライス、(株)イングラム、琉球イラストレーション与儀勝之、若尾会計事務所、TACKカヌーワークス、(株)コクバヤサン、有村酒造株式会社、株式会社オニツカ興産、他

Organizer: Kanaka Okinawa O2Y Executive Committee

Support (planned): Okinawa Prefecture, Kunigami Village, Nago City, Nago City Board of Education, Yoron Town

Cooperation (planned): Nakagusuku Coast Guard Office, Nago Coast Guard Station, Kunigami Fisheries Cooperative Association, Nago Fisheries Cooperative Teima Branch, Nago City Kushi Branch Mayors Association, Abu District , RBC Ryukyu Broadcasting, Seiko Maru, Seika Maru , Yamei Maru, M96, Daiichi Suzumaru, Satsuki Maru, Kaiyumaru, Kobakumaru, Japan Water Patrol, Gushiken Kazuhiko Photography, Kohei Kawabata, Noguchi Oil Yoron SS, Yoron Minzoku Mura, Kariyushi, Shima Yusen, Tandy Marine, MAXimedia, Tora no Ana, etc.

Sponsors: Ingram Co., Ltd., Ryukyu Illustration Masayuki Yogi, Wakao Accounting Office, TACK Canoe Works, Kokubayasan Co., Ltd., etc.

*total prize 1 million yen


 5:45    選手集合

board loading on the boats


 6:30    安全祈願

prayer for safety


 7:30    出航

boats departure


 9:00    スタート

race start


13:00-13:30  ゴール & カットオフ

cut off time


15:00  表彰式セレモニー

awards ceremony


18:00  懇親会

after party

- - - - - - - - - -  - - - 
6月30日  Jun.30,2024

15:00〜『 荒木珠里 SUP教室 』

*Shrimpy SUP School

 3日間のウェイティング。気象条件に合わせスケジュール・コースは柔軟に調整します。 レース決行判断は前日19時00分
3 days of waiting. The schedule and course can be flexibly changed according to the weather.
Race decision will be made at 19:00 the day before.


O2Y preliminary simulation training

June 26,2024(Wed.)

It is a practical training for athletes participating in O2Y, chartering a fishing boat in the sea area between Okinawa and Yoron and paddling downwind about half the distance of the course. How to navigate to Yoron Island? This is a great opportunity to test all the water quality, temperature, hydration, etc. in preparation for the strait crossing. Paddlers who are challenging channel crossing for the first time are required to participate.


O2Y departure'21







2024/4/1 エントリー開始


April 1, 2024  Entry start.


If you have any questions about the race or entry, please contact us.