2022/12/19 O2Y エクスペディション無事に終了しました。
O2Y open ocean down-wind crossing race has been canceled by typhoon in the last summer, and about 10 ocean paddlers attempted 35km down-wind crossing yesterday as a replacement event. Everyone has crossed safely and they were all smile. more photo to come soon.
沖縄と与論島の約30キロを繋ぐ、日本初のアイランドクロッシング(人力で海峡を渡る)SUPレースです。 毎年6月末、沖縄に夏至南風(カーチーバイ)が吹くタイミングで開催します。
2022年は沖縄が日本へ返還され50周年という節目の年として“沖縄と世界を美しい海で繋ぐ” という願いを込めています。
What is O2Y (Okinawa to Yoron)?
O2Y is the Japan’s first ocean-crossing SUP race for 30km, from Okinawa to Yoron Island. The race will be held every year in June when Southern seasonal winds blow strong. Athletes around the world gather to show their performance, just 2 months before the world prestige channel-crossing race – M2O (Molokai to Oahu).
O2Y is also held with our hope to connect Okinawa and the world in 2022, the 50 years anniversary of the Okinawa reversion.
In 2021 under the pandemic, the race was held small, only for limited 20 participants. In 2022, we will expect 30 TOP-class athletes who passed trial
race(in Feb.), will be gathering from in& outside of Japan.
Winner prizes will increase, and O2Y will be one of the most competitive SUP races in JAPAN.
” keep paddling ”
このたびは、日本初 “アイランドクロッシングレース”が開催されることを、主催者並びに応援者の方々に対して、心から御祝いを申し上げます。
今年令和4年は、“沖縄返還50周年“という節目の日を迎えます。沖縄県民にとって、そして日本国にとって歴史的記念すべきこのタイミングに、今後大きな役割を帯びる新しいスポーツが登場してきたことに、私は大きな感動を覚えます。そのスポーツとは、「Stand Up Paddleboard」です。
理事長 笹川能孝
keep paddling.
I would like to congratulate the organizers and supporters of the first "Ocean Crossing Race" in Japan.
On behalf of all the people of Japan, I would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Takuji Araki, a leading figure in the Japanese ocean paddling world, for his role in coordinating the event and for making it possible to hold this memorable event.
In 1975, in commemoration of the reversion of Okinawa to Japan, the Okinawa International Ocean Expo was held as the largest special exposition in history. This world's first ocean-themed exposition attracted 3.5 million visitors from all over the world. Today with the Churaumi Aquarium, the site of the exposition remains as a major tourist attraction.
This year, the 4th year of the Reiwa period, will mark the 50th anniversary of the Okinawa reversion. For people in Okinawa as well as in Japan, it is a historical milestone, and I am deeply impressed that a new sport attached with the great values has emerged at this historic time. That sport is Stand Up Paddleboard. Also known as “SUP,” it rooted in Hawaii, a person stands up on a single board using a paddle to propel itself through the water. This year's event will be the first of its kind in Japan, as participants will be crossing 30 kilometers of open ocean between Okinawa and Yoron Island. Needless to say, it is a truly life-and-death sport requiring unparalleled physical ability supported by hard trainings which also nurture superior mental strength. They must also have the courage to make decisions based on their animal instincts in response to the ever-changing weather conditions, and they must also have luck on their side, which is beyond the reach of human wisdom.
From now on, I hope SUP will take important roles for healthy development of youth, the fostering of local community, and international goodwill. Furthermore, it is my sincere wish that SUP will help solving various social issues such as “true values of sports” or “revival of humanity.”
I pray to all the gods and goddesses for the best and success of this competition as well as for unlimited growth of the families of all the people gathered here, and for the health, longevity, and happiness of their families.
2,681st year of the Koki period (Japanese imperial year), June
General Incorporated Association, Sasakawa Economy Support Organization
Board Chairman, Yoshitaka Sasakawa
www.justpaddling.com 2 x 2 プログレッション·トレーニング
I first met Mr Takuji Araki on the Gold Coast Australia in 1997, where I was the head coach of the North Burleigh Surf Lifesaving Club. Takuji had come to learn surf lifesaving skills and English. He came back annually for a few years and showed improvement every year. He encouraged many other young Japanese to come and learn, improve their surf skills and knowledge of the ocean.
Takuji, from a very young age, had all the desire to learn and teach, waterman skills to fellow Japanese and was extremely passionate about Japan becoming an island country full of ocean enthusiasts. Takuji is today recognized among the world’s elite craftsman in ocean waterman skills. He has assisted, not just many young Japanese to become athletes at the elite level but has put Japan on the world stage as a country that produces talented water people.
Takuji has travelled the world to compete in the biggest races and has been back to Australia many times to compete and continue to enhance his elite skills. He always brings some of his fellow countrymen to experience our culture. Through his passion for Hawaii, Hawaiian culture and their World Class Ocean races, he has brought this culture to Japan to allow more of his countrymen to experience these conditions and style of racing that they can chase their whole lives.
The “Island Crossing Race” between Yoron island and Okinawa, a 30km crossing, is a world class open ocean racing course, similar to the World Championship race held in Hawaii each year, between the islands of Molokai and Oahu. M2O was the race that put ocean paddling on the map back in 1997. I know the “Island Crossing Race” will become a race that reflects all the hard work and time Takuji has dedicated over his lifetime and make Japan a country of even prouder waterman.
Mick Di Betta
M2O Prone Paddle Board, The First M2O world record holder
www.justpaddling.com / 2 x 2 Progression Training